The coronavirus was discovered in 2019 in Wuhan, China, and its effects have crippled activities worldwide. Recently, there have been vaccines that treat the original strain of the coronavirus. Unfortunately, the virus mutates, and presently there are the alpha, beta, gamma, and delta strains.
The covid-19 delta variant has much worse effects than the original strain. The delta variant has tremendously increased the rates of hospitalizations and death. Although there is no delta variant covid vaccine, taking the vaccine for the original strain can reduce the severity of symptoms in infected people.
This article discusses the symptoms of the delta variant and why the delta variant is spreading covid-19 faster. Kindly read along.
In December 2020, the delta variant strain was discovered in India. The strain is highly contagious, and it has caused a spike in the number of cases in over 98 countries around the world. Consequently, this begs the question, is the delta variant worse than covid-19?
No. There have been alpha, beta, and gamma strains of the coronavirus—the WHO adopted Greek alphabets in naming to prevent the cumbersomeness of using numbers.
The delta variant is the fourth and most dangerous mutation of the coronavirus presently. The variant accounts for more than 80% of the new cases in the U.S. the delta variant incubation period is 48 hours. An infected person can infect other people within this period. Furthermore, a study of coronavirus delta symptoms day by day show that the delta variant has more devastating effects.
In addition, the delta variant symptoms timeline is between three and five days because infected people have a viral load 1000 times higher. Also, a person infected with the delta variant can infect four to five people within the vicinity if precautions are not taken.
The symptoms of the covid-19 delta variant are not different from coronavirus symptoms. Symptoms of this variant include headaches, fatigue, sore throat, runny nose, fever, and loss of smell. Severe symptoms include gastrointestinal disorders, hearing impairments, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, And even loss of life.
It would be best to visit us at Ascent ER for prompt testing and treatment whenever you notice these symptoms.
The severity of symptoms in people determines how long they last. People show different signs. Therefore, mild symptoms do not last as long as severe symptoms. Generally, loss of smell and taste usually lasts for about three to four weeks after recovery.
The Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and other vaccines are developed for the original coronavirus strain. The vaccines generate neutralizing antibodies that prevent the coronavirus from entering the cells and replicating. Although no vaccine is 100% effective, taking the vaccine can reduce delta variant symptoms in vaccinated adults.
Experts advise that everyone should get vaccinated to reduce the spread of the virus. Although there is no specific covid-19 delta variant vaccine, fully vaccinated people may not get infected with the delta strain, and even if they do, the symptoms are mild. Delta variant symptoms in vaccinated adults include common cold, headache, and loss of smell.
Preventive measures that can reduce the spread of covid-19 are social distancing, using nose masks, washing your hands regularly, and hand sanitizers. In addition, the fastest way to get out of this pandemic is for everyone to get fully vaccinated.
At Ascent ER, we carry out tests and treatments. We also administer vaccines. Kindly contact us today.
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