Psychiatric disorder, also known as mental illness, significantly interrupts your cognitive behavior and thinking, causing risk increment of freedom loss, death, pain, or even disability. This disorder is diagnosed by mental health professionals like a:
To come up with a diagnosis, a mental health professional will have to carry out:
They include:
1. Depressive disorders – This covers disorders that interrupt how you feel emotionally, such as levels of happiness and sadness, and how they can interrupt your ability to function. Examples of these disorders include:
2. Obsessive-compulsive disorder – Patients with this disorder experience replicating and unwanted obsessions, urge thoughts and feel the drive to respond to the compulsions by taking action. Examples include: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder)
3. Feeding disorders – Examples of psychiatric disorders related to eating are:
4. Sleep-wake disorders – Some of the sleep-related disorders include:
5. Neurocognitive disorders – These are disorders affecting your ability to reason and think and may occur due to traumatic brain damage or Alzheimer’s disease (a condition that leads to atrophy of the brain and death of the brain cells)
6. Personality disorders – Refers to emotional vulnerability and injurious behaviors that disturb social relations and living. Examples include borderline, narcissistic personality disorder (deep need of admiration and exaggerated attention), antisocial behavior.
7. Paraphilic disorders – These are sexual interest and behavior disorders and include:
8. Trauma and stressor-related disorders – Are psychiatric disorders that emerge either in the course of a traumatic experience or after. This include:
9. Schizophrenia spectrum – These are psychotic disorders leading to disconnection from reality. Patients with this condition experience disorganized speech and thinking, hallucinations, and delusions.
10. Bipolar disorder – It is a condition that leads to extreme mood change that involves emotional highs (hypomania) and emotional lows (depression).
This is a critical disruption of mood, thought, or behavior of a patient and, if not treated, may lead to harm of the sick individual or to others around them.
Psychiatric emergencies need urgent medical intervention; thus, if you are near the suffering individual, take them to an ER near you.
For freestanding emergency rooms near you and psychiatric emergency care, visit Ascent Emergency Medical Center – an emergency room in Houston, 77030.
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