Workplace accidents are one of the most frequently seen sources of injuries in the United States. The National Safety Council estimates a worker is hurt while on the job once every seven seconds. This means there are seven million injuries in the United States alone in a single year.
When you are the victim of a workplace accident or a fall, you need proper medical care to recover properly. At Ascent Emergency Care, we offer high-quality care for workplace accidents or falls for patients in Houston.
A workplace accident is an unintentional injury that occurs while you are completing tasks for your employer. If you slip on a wet floor while working a retail job because the area was not properly marked, that is a workplace accident.
This type of injury can often be sorted into the following categories:
It is important to receive immediate care for these types of injuries after an accident occurs, not much later.
Although your employer might try to talk you out of visiting a doctor that is not affiliated with the workplace, it is necessary to get a professional opinion and treatment for your injuries. Some of the most common signs of a serious injury include:
These are the most basic signs of an injury. There are a couple of frequent injuries, including sprained joints, broken bones, concussions, spinal damage, strained muscles, and fractures.
As an emergency room in Houston, our specialists at Ascent Emergency Care are trained to help you overcome a broad range of injuries. You do not need to call us to make an appointment but can instead drive to our office. We offer comprehensive care and treatment using advanced equipment and technology.
Head injuries, back/neck injuries, falls, crush injuries, lacerations/wounds, fractures/broken bones.
Utilize EMS as needed. Get the other party involved information. Take pictures. Get witnesses information. Come to Ascent Emergency Medical Center for evaluation and medical care.
We do accept workman's comp claims. We will need the information.
The employer may choose to pay out of pocket or file with the insurance that they have.
Depending on the injury we have CT and x-ray imaging available. Suture lacerations and treat wounds. Tetnus vaccines.
Are you looking for an emergency room in Houston, TX? At Ascent Emergency Room, we care about your health and their emergency needs. We are located just a little away from you and provide exceptional and comprehensive emergency care appointments for the surrounding Houston area: