An In-Depth Guide to Prevent the Spread of Coronavirus

An In-Depth Guide to Prevent the Spread of Coronavirus

Jul 01, 2020

December 2019 marked the first coronavirus case that was identified in the seafood market in Wuhan Province, China. No one thought that the infection would soon become a pandemic, a hundred years later, after the last pandemic.

COVID-19 caught the world by storm, and in no time, borders are closing, and we are changing our way of life.

Nearly every ER near you is full, trying to cater to COVID-19 patients.

Now, everyone has to join forces with the people in the front line to help fight against the coronavirus.

For you to join the fight, you have to know where the nearest 24-hour emergency care is so as you can get tested or treated if the circumstance calls for it.

Besides that, you have to be mentally prepared to make sure that you are armed with the coronavirus facts.

Do You Know How it Spreads?

Just like the common cold, coronavirus is spread primarily from person to person. However, it is more contagious than the common cold. According to early research, if someone is infected, they can spread it between 2 and 2.5 people.

When an infected person coughs or sneezes, they release droplets that can travel as far as two meters away. If you are close, then you inhale the droplets, you can get infected.

At times, the virus can land on surfaces or objects and remain active for several hours, even days. The virus can survive on:

  • Copper – four hours
  • Plastic and stainless steel – 2 to 3 days
  • Cardboard – 24 hours

Therefore, if you touch a doorknob or other surface or objects, then you touch your nose, mouth, or eyes without washing your hands, you can get infected.

How to Protect Yourself From COVID-19

If you suspect that you have COVID-19, do not panic, neither should you rush to the emergency room near you. Immediately call our doctors in our emergency clinic near you, who can help you through the process.

What to Do If You Suspect That You Have It

You can do the following to stop the spread of COVID-19:

    • If you aren’t feeling well, stay at home. Even though you do not have severe symptoms, stay at home. This reduces the pressure that the medical team has to help the ones who are in a critical state.

This is what is called self-quarantine. You should stay in a separate room and use different utensils.

  • If you have trouble breathing, call our doctor. Call beforehand and do not show up without an appointment, so as our doctor can tell you where to go and what to do.

What to Do to Prevent Infection

  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content to kill the virus
  • Practice social distancing, especially when you go out to a public place. Always maintain a distance of at least six feet between you and the next person
  • Cover your mouth and nose in public using a face mask to avoid inhaling droplets. Also, it helps protect other people if you are infected.
  • Cover your mouth when you sneeze with a tissue and cough inside your elbow if you do not have a mask on. Then dispose of the tissue.
  • Clean surfaces and objects with detergents. Also, disinfect the surfaces that you use often.
  • Do not touch your face before washing your hands or sanitizing them.

About COVID-19 Testing at Ascent ER

If you suspect that you have COVID-19, you can contact our doctor and then await further instructions. However, two main types of tests available are:

  • Diagnostic or viral test. This is the first test that our doctor will refer you to take if you are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms, amongst other factors. This viral test will show whether you are infected with the coronavirus that is responsible for causing COVID-19.
  • Antibody test. This test is used to ascertain whether you have been exposed or infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Typically it takes 12 days for your body to produce enough antibodies to fight against the disease.

How Long Will the Coronavirus Test Take?

To get a sample of your fluids and saliva typically takes a few seconds. Our doctor will use a swab to get a sample from your nose or the back of your throat. It is mildly uncomfortable.

You can get the test results anywhere from an hour to several days, depending on the circumstances.

As the adage goes, “prevention is better than cure.” To win this fight, we must try as much as possible to curb the spread of COVID-19. In case of anything, call our doctor at our emergency room in Houston, who can help you.

At Ascent ER, we will do our best to get you back on your feet.

Are you looking for an emergency room in Houston, TX? At Ascent Emergency Room, we care about your health and their emergency needs. We are located just a little away from you and provide exceptional and comprehensive emergency care appointments for the surrounding Houston area:

  • (Southampton) University Place
  • Rice Village
  • Bellaire
  • Old Braeswood
  • Gridiron
  • Brookhaven
  • Southside
  • Riverside Terrace
  • Greater Third Ward
  • Greater Eastwood
  • East Downtown
  • Midtown
  • Montrose
  • Westmoreland Houston
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