Did you know that understanding the nuances of asthma is so vital that the condition has a month named for bringing awareness to it? May is asthma awareness month, which brings attention to an otherwise invisible disease. What’s so different about someone who has asthma and someone who does not have the condition? Keep reading to learn more.
Most people go through their lives without worrying about where they can receive life-saving treatment if they stop breathing. But for those individuals who have asthma, one of the most important things they can do to stay ahead of life-threatening attacks is to search for a “Houston ER near me” that’s equipped to handle breathing conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, allergies, and more. We believe that by having this life-saving contact information stored in your phone directory – and given to your friends and family – that you’re putting a face to a condition that you can look directly at without fear.
If you’re asthmatic, you are well aware of the symptoms of the condition. But to help others understand more and to bring awareness to some of the challenges you face daily, have conversations with others to help them see some of your daily challenges. Sure, they may hear your wheezing and coughing, but they can’t hear the tightness of your chest that invokes fear of a heart attack every time you experience it. And because asthma can affect every person differently, just because the person you’re talking to “knows someone” who has asthma doesn’t mean they know your symptoms. Also, by being well-versed in what you experience, you’ll be able to explain your symptoms more clearly should you need treatment from a Houston ER near me.
It’s sad but true that some people think asthma is contagious. It’s not. This is another compelling reason to have conversations with friends and co-workers to bring awareness to the condition and put a face to it as a non-contagious chronic disease. And another important thing you can weave into your conversation is that while asthma can indeed place a lot of sufferers on the sideline during an asthma attack, it should in no way be considered a game ender. Patients need to learn to identify and avoid asthma triggers and work with medical professionals who take a patient-centric approach to treat the condition such as the board-certified doctors and staff at our ER in Houston.
Are you looking for an emergency room in Houston, TX? At Ascent Emergency Room, we care about your health and their emergency needs. We are located just a little away from you and provide exceptional and comprehensive emergency care appointments for the surrounding Houston area: